iHeart Sleep Apnoea Device

The iHeart Sleep Apnoea Device

“Much more than a mouth guard”. Our sleep apnoea targeted therapy program is designed to enable patients struggling with CPAP to manage their sleep apnoea without a mask, hose or noisy machine. Our proprietary devices are used nearly twice as much as CPAP and are up to 50% more effective than other non-CPAP therapies, including standard mouthguards and surgery.  In combination with the targeted therapy program, over 90% of patients will achieve a successful treatment outcome, even if they have failed other therapies.  Read below to see why we can help you where others can’t.

How it Works

How Standard Sleep Apnoea Devices Work

There are a myriad of Oral Appliances that have been used for many years to attempt to treat sleep apnoea. These devices address airway obstructions by only advancing the lower jaw or mandible. This can be an effective mode of therapy if the main issue is an obstruction arising primarily from the tongue base. Unfortunately, the tongue is often not the only issue. It is very common that there are other sites of obstruction such as the soft palate and side walls of the airway. Increased nasal resistance can also lead to large negative pressures in the airway which suck the airway shut. The result is often a switch to mouth breathing – leading to therapy failure. We can uniquely solve for this. Please read below to see how we can turn this type of failure into your treatment success.

Device Growth Development

Innovation & Growth in Sleep Therapy

Over the years, the iHeart Sleep device has evolved, continuously improving in design and effectiveness. Each new iteration brings enhanced comfort, a better fit, and more advanced technology, ensuring a superior sleep experience. With its innovative developments, the iHeart Sleep device has proven to be twice as effective as traditional CPAP machines, helping users achieve better rest with less hassle.

Not only is it highly effective, but the iHeart Sleep device is also preferred by users, with 74% more people choosing it over other sleep solutions. Its proven success and growing popularity make it a standout choice for improving sleep quality.

Device Growth
iHeart Sleep Apnoea Device

The iHeart Sleep Device Difference

Our devices not only stabilise the lower jaw or mandible but can address all  levels of obstruction and treat the entire airway. We do this by adding iACT and iPEEP. This increases effectiveness by up to 50% compared to standard appliances.

iACT, or integrated air channel technology, allows air to flow between the teeth, below the nose and soft palate and around the tongue bypassing all levels of obstruction, providing a low resistance pathway for air to pass through to the back of the throat. This reduces the negative pressure generated by these points of resistance and prevents the need to mouth breath which would ordinarily cause the airway to collapse. It effectively manages all levels of obstruction, not just the tongue base.

iPEEP, or intra-oral positive end expiratory pressure, is a valve that is positioned inside the airway opening. It opens when breathing in to take advantage of the low resistance pathway and reduced collapsibility provided by iACT. It then partially closes when breathing out ,increasing resistance and generating positive pressure similar to a CPAP. This further stabilises the airway. Together iACT and iPEEP regulate pressure and flow and harnesses the body’s own breathing to generate a CPAP-like result. Let your body be the CPAP.

Patent Number 2024901487

iHeart Sleep Device

Still Wondering If It's For You?

Prior to scheduling an appointment with one of our certified Clinical Sleep Consultants or a Doctor, let’s determine if you noticing certain symptoms in order to be eligible for the iHeart Sleep personalized sleep therapy and treatment regimen.

  1. Ballard RD, Gay PC, Strollo PJ. Interventions to improve compliance in sleep apnoea patients previously non-compliant with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), JCSM 2007, Vol 3, No7, 706-12
  2. Lavery D, Szollosi I, Moldavtsev J, McCloy K, Hart C. Airway open-airway closed: The effect of mandibular advancement therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea with and without a novel in-built airway. Poster session presented at: Australasian Sleep Society Sleep DownUnder, 2018, October 17-20; Brisbane, Australia
  3. Lai, V, Tong, B, Tran, C, Ricciardiello, A, Donegan, M, Murray, N, Carberry, J, Eckert, D. ‘Combination therapy with mandibular advancement and expiratory positive airway pressure valves reduces obstructive sleep apnea severity’, Sleep, vol 42, no. 8, August 2019, zsz 119.
  4. Tong B, Tran C, Ricciardiello A, Donegan,Murray N, Chiang A, Szollosi I, Amatoury J, Eckert D. Combination therapy with CPAP plus MAS reduces CPAP therapeutic requirements in incomplete MAS responders. Poster session presented at: Australasian Sleep Society Sleep DownUnder, 2018, October 17-20; Brisbane Australia. ExVent available in Oventus’ key markets of Australia and Canada, not yet approved in the US.
  5. Targeted non-CPAP combination therapy resolves obstructive sleep apnoea. Atqiya Aishah, BSc (Hons)1,2,3, Benjamin K.Y. Tong, PhD1,2, Amal M. Osman, PhD3, Michelle Donegan1, Geoff Pitcher3, Benjamin Kwan1, Liz Brown1, Robert Adams3, Sutapa Mukherjee3 and Danny J. Eckert, PhD1,2,31*Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 3* Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health and Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute, Flinders University, Bedford Park, SA, Australia, SLEEP 2021